Friday, July 19, 2013

Chasing Passions

Learning to chase one’s passions early gives a huge leg up before stepping into the real world.The most significant trendsetters were those who 1) followed their passion and 2) make it a point to fill in a missing piece in their community or even society in general.  Products and services that didn’t even exist two to three years ago now accounts for billions of dollar in revenue!  Why?  Often the simplest idea is either looked over or slips under the rug.  Creating a company/nonprofit sounds frightening, but couldn't be easier in today's market!Many students attend top universities with the sole purpose of achieving a successful first job.  This success can be defined by the size or prestige of a company or the salary offered.  Major trends are slowly putting this mindset to rest.  During our current decade, there are a record number of founders under the age of 30 making the largest waves through startups and nonprofits.On a personal note:  An ongoing passion was always dance.  During my time attending UT Austin, I saw a small hole in the performing arts community:  the need for an all-male team.  To my luck, some others shared this same vision.  Starting Punjabbawockeez was an effortless process.  Taking it to where it stands today took some time and attention, but never at any moment felt like work!  That was the secret to its success.  None of the leaders felt compelled or forced to take on new tasks and adventures to ensure the organization ran smoothly.After the glory of college ended, this passion remained but only in my heart.  I knew the next generation would do an extraordinary job carrying on the legacy.  It was time to concentrate on something fresh.It is imperative to find and act upon one’s passions, whether it is at work or outside work.  Sometimes it will take some time to find a career path that allows the creative freedom for one to chase their passions.  As a temporary placeholder, if that passion is lost or nonexistent from nine to five, pursue it on your own time.Now that my love for dance has been fulfilled, my next goal is to help advertising students pave the way for success in the volatile and exciting industry they’re about to enter.  I am fortunate to have had many terrific experiences that shaped me into the young professional I am today.  Various internships, leadership roles, and mentor/mentee relationships truly helped me achieve my professional goals.  I look forward to helping countless advertising rockstars on the rise in any way possible.  Stay tuned!Chasing passions will, at the very least, put a smile on anyone’s face and can be achieved by just taking that first step. Please feel free to reach me anytime with ideas or if you just to vent or brainstorm.  I’m here to help!  A deep passion of mine is seeing brands grow and people prosper.

Chasing Passions Images

Chasing a Passion -
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... Tim Meeker and Salutatorian Matthew Papa chasing passions into college
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Chasing the Passion art exhibition inaugurated in Victoria - Gozo News ...
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